unsloth 微调
unsloth微调Llama 3, Mistral和Gemma速度快2-5倍,内存减少80% !unsloth是一个开源项目,它可以比HuggingFace快2-5倍地微调Llama 3、Mistral和Gemma语言模型,同时内存消耗减少80%。
#本机训练最大的好处就是数据安全有保障。无论是个人 企业 还是机构,数据都是最宝贵的产之一,传到云端无论怎么加密都会承担泄露风险,而用本机训练模型则安全经济便捷。
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
import torch
from trl import SFTTrainer
from transformers import TrainingArguments
from datasets import load_dataset
max_seq_length = 2048 # Supports RoPE Scaling interally, so choose any!
# Get LAION dataset
url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/laion/OIG/resolve/main/unified_chip2.jsonl"
dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files = {"train" : url}, split = "train")
# local_file = "/home/larry/Downloads/my_file.json";
# dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files = {"train" : local_file}, split = "train")
# dataset = dataset.map(formatting_prompts_func, batched = True,)
# 4bit pre quantized models we support for 4x faster downloading + no OOMs.
fourbit_models = [
"unsloth/gemma-7b-it-bnb-4bit", # Instruct version of Gemma 7b
"unsloth/gemma-2b-it-bnb-4bit", # Instruct version of Gemma 2b
"unsloth/llama-3-8b-bnb-4bit", # [NEW] 15 Trillion token Llama-3
] # More models at https://huggingface.co/unsloth
model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(
model_name = "unsloth/llama-3-8b-bnb-4bit",
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
dtype = None,
load_in_4bit = True,
# Do model patching and add fast LoRA weights
model = FastLanguageModel.get_peft_model(
r = 16,
target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "o_proj",
"gate_proj", "up_proj", "down_proj",],
lora_alpha = 16,
lora_dropout = 0, # Supports any, but = 0 is optimized
bias = "none", # Supports any, but = "none" is optimized
# [NEW] "unsloth" uses 30% less VRAM, fits 2x larger batch sizes!
use_gradient_checkpointing = "unsloth", # True or "unsloth" for very long context
random_state = 3407,
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
use_rslora = False, # We support rank stabilized LoRA
loftq_config = None, # And LoftQ
trainer = SFTTrainer(
model = model,
train_dataset = dataset,
dataset_text_field = "text",
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
tokenizer = tokenizer,
args = TrainingArguments(
per_device_train_batch_size = 2,
gradient_accumulation_steps = 4,
warmup_steps = 10,
max_steps = 60,
fp16 = not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(),
bf16 = torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(),
logging_steps = 1,
output_dir = "outputs",
optim = "adamw_8bit",
seed = 3407,
# model.save_pretrained("my_model") # save
# Go to https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth/wiki for advanced tips like
# (1) Saving to GGUF / merging to 16bit for vLLM
# (2) Continued training from a saved LoRA adapter
# (3) Adding an evaluation loop / OOMs
# (4) Cutomized chat templates
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
import torch
from trl import SFTTrainer
from transformers import TrainingArguments
from datasets import load_dataset
max_seq_length = 2048 # Supports RoPE Scaling interally, so choose any!
# 4bit pre quantized models we support for 4x faster downloading + no OOMs.
fourbit_models = [
"unsloth/gemma-7b-it-bnb-4bit", # Instruct version of Gemma 7b
"unsloth/gemma-2b-it-bnb-4bit", # Instruct version of Gemma 2b
"unsloth/llama-3-8b-bnb-4bit", # [NEW] 15 Trillion token Llama-3
] # More models at https://huggingface.co/unsloth
model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(
model_name = "unsloth/llama-3-8b-bnb-4bit",
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
dtype = None,
load_in_4bit = True,
# Do model patching and add fast LoRA weights
model = FastLanguageModel.get_peft_model(
r = 16,
target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "o_proj",
"gate_proj", "up_proj", "down_proj",],
lora_alpha = 16,
lora_dropout = 0, # Supports any, but = 0 is optimized
bias = "none", # Supports any, but = "none" is optimized
# [NEW] "unsloth" uses 30% less VRAM, fits 2x larger batch sizes!
use_gradient_checkpointing = "unsloth", # True or "unsloth" for very long context
random_state = 3407,
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
use_rslora = False, # We support rank stabilized LoRA
loftq_config = None, # And LoftQ
EOS_TOKEN = tokenizer.eos_token # Must add EOS_TOKEN
alpaca_prompt = """Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.
### Instruction:
### Input:
### Response:
def formatting_prompts_func(examples):
instructions = examples["instruction"]
inputs = examples["input"]
outputs = examples["output"]
texts = []
for instruction, input, output in zip(instructions, inputs, outputs):
# Must add EOS_TOKEN, otherwise your generation will go on forever!
text = alpaca_prompt.format(instruction, input, output) + EOS_TOKEN
return { "text" : texts, }
# Get local dataset
local_file = "/home/larry/Downloads/my_file.json";
dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files = {"train" : local_file}, split = "train")
dataset = dataset.map(formatting_prompts_func, batched = True,)
trainer = SFTTrainer(
model = model,
train_dataset = dataset,
dataset_text_field = "text",
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
tokenizer = tokenizer,
args = TrainingArguments(
per_device_train_batch_size = 2,
gradient_accumulation_steps = 4,
warmup_steps = 10,
max_steps = 60,
fp16 = not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(),
bf16 = torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(),
logging_steps = 1,
output_dir = "outputs",
optim = "adamw_8bit",
seed = 3407,
model.save_pretrained("my_model") # save
# Go to https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth/wiki for advanced tips like
# (1) Saving to GGUF / merging to 16bit for vLLM
# (2) Continued training from a saved LoRA adapter
# (3) Adding an evaluation loop / OOMs
# (4) Cutomized chat templates
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
from transformers import TextStreamer
max_seq_length = 2048 # Choose any! We auto support RoPE Scaling internally!
dtype = None # None for auto detection. Float16 for Tesla T4, V100, Bfloat16 for Ampere+
load_in_4bit = True # Use 4bit quantization to reduce memory usage. Can be False.
model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(
model_name = "my_model", # the model that you trained
max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
dtype = dtype,
load_in_4bit = load_in_4bit,
FastLanguageModel.for_inference(model) # Enable native 2x faster inference
alpaca_prompt = """Based on given instruction and context, generate an appropriate response.
### Instruction:
### Input:
### Response:
inputs = tokenizer(
"小林最擅长的什么领域的工作?", # instruction
"", # input
"", # output - leave this blank for generation!
], return_tensors = "pt").to("cuda")
text_streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer)
_ = model.generate(**inputs, streamer = text_streamer, max_new_tokens = 128)
inputs = tokenizer(
"小林AI实验室的好评率是多少", # instruction
"", # input
"", # output - leave this blank for generation!
], return_tensors = "pt").to("cuda")
text_streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer)
_ = model.generate(**inputs, streamer = text_streamer, max_new_tokens = 128)
inputs = tokenizer(
"小林在Youtube开频道的初衷是什么?", # instruction
"", # input
"", # output - leave this blank for generation!
], return_tensors = "pt").to("cuda")
text_streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer)
_ = model.generate(**inputs, streamer = text_streamer, max_new_tokens = 128)
"instruction": "金双石科技是一家什么样的公司?",
"input": "",
"output": "金双石科技是一家继承墨家思想的科技公司"
}, {
"instruction": "刘世奇最擅长的什么领域的工作?",
"input": "",
"output": "刘世奇擅长软件研发和视频制作,AI大模型的微调"
}, {
"instruction": "刘世奇抖音节目的风格是什么?",
"input": "",
"output": "用简单的语言和方法讲解一个复杂的AI主题"
}, {
"instruction": "刘世奇在Youtube开频道的初衷是什么?",
"input": "",
"output": "充分体验学习的充实和分享的快乐"
}, {
"instruction": "刘世奇AI实验室的宗旨是什么?",
"input": "",
"output": "分享最新最好AI工具的使用方法"